Monday, June 20, 2011

The Dallas Mavericks Are The Champs!!

So as the season closed almost more than a week ago, the champions are………….not the Miami Heat. Lol! Sorry, I had to do that. But it’s the Dallas Mavericks. I have to give the only congrats to the new champs on their great game. Also congrats to Dirk Nowinski. He did his thing and was there when the team needed him the most. I’ve never looked too into Dirk in the past, but what I do know about him is that he’s always had heart, shoot really well for a 7’0 guy and that he’s probably one of the only guys I’ve felt bad for when they lost in the Finals (’06) to the Heat team that I actually like. The only guy I’ve felt bad for losing this year was Dwayne ‘Flash’ Wade. If you’ve seen the games, he gave his best only for his team to lose. In my mind, he’s the leader of the team. LeBron, let me not get started with him. All I have to say about him is this, don’t nobody ever (and I do mean ever) compare him to Jordan again. Don’t even put him in the same category as Kobe. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t! If anything, just demote him to Prince James (or PJ for short). Bosh……Next! I’m just glad that Jason Kidd finally got his ring. This means a lot because J.Kidd’s from my era of basketball. I’ve watched him in college to his first stint in Dallas, Phoenix, that awesome run in New Jersey and back to where he started. So I tip my head to you, Dallas. You were the better team, enjoy it and be prepared for next year because you are now the hunted and everyone is gunning for y’all. So on that note, hope everyone enjoyed a great season where we saw some amazing things (D.Rose emerging to superstar MVP, Blake Griffin’s dunks, Dallas triumph, Shaq’s retirement). So until then, see you next season. Feel free to check out this blog anytime and check out the items that are at hand. And I’m out!!